Sunday, 13 December 2015


So this weekend, I finally got to go home. Not that I have been longing since I arrived and wouldn't have survived another day without putting my feet on Swedish soil, but it was nice being home.

I didn't realise that it would be that easy to just fall back into routine and though it felt strange the first day, with the whole being back and somehow having everyone else act as if though I never really left, it felt good. The familiarity with it all, knowing where all the kitchen tools are, where to put things that I haven't touched in ages, who does what after dinner, what there is to do after dinner. It felt nice falling back into it.

Also, I knew that I missed my dogs, but I was not prepared for tearing up as I saw them again. And I was not prepared for the intese affection fest that it brought on. Just the fact that I was able to, should I want to, just walk the dogs whenever. Or just have one of them cuddle up beside me on the sofa as I watched a movie. Or even having to tell them not to bark at the neighbours. It was all so familiar and things that I don't really thought twice of before I left, but now I really did treasure it in a whole other way.

And the fact that Christmas is closing in also helped the experience. I haven't really had the whole Christmassy feeling grow here as much as it usually does at home but as soon as I did get home it was there. Could have to do with that the smells, and impressions and memories were all there. Everything that I connect with Christmas was right there in my face when I stepped through the front door and it just took me by surprise. Watching the advent calendar, decorating the tree and baking biscuits and scones also helped and by the time I left this afternoon I was all stocked up on Christmas feelings to last me the year.

However, two full days was just about enough for me. I have grown so much and become so much more accustomed to having things done my way, I can do whatever I want whenever I want it, unless I am working obviously. Also having seen how other families work and sometimes don't work, I have way too many opinions on what can be improved and praised in my own. Which perhaps shouldn't always be voiced. Let's just say that I felt like these two days were just enough time for me to catch up and refill my 'dog-loving' quota, but if I had needed to stay another week I would probably have torn my hair off and eaten it for breakfast. No hard feelings.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Just three more days

In just three days time I will have landed in Sweden and will possibly be in a car on my way home to kiss the living sh*t out of my dogs. Oh and the family of course.

After the hell that was last week, this week feel a massive amount easier and eventhough I have two more entire days to go, the train ride to the airport still feels within reach. The only problem is packing. I am always packing to go away, but now I am packing to go to Home I. Going from Home II to Home I is trickier than I thought it would be cause obviously I brought stuff here that I no longer need, or that I do need when I go back to Sweden, but then again it feels utterly pointless bringing back stuff to Sweden that I can most definitely get there. But then again, why get another set of something that you already have and just ugh. This is a first world problem if I ever saw one but it is real and present and it annoys me.

I have however, packed my suitcase with books. I have apparently managed to buy 10 books (and read 6 of them - yes that is right). I am bringing 10 books with me on the flights. 10 books. One would think that I'd be able to keep from buying books when I know I am going to have to sihp them to and fro, but no. Now my book shelf just stares depressingly empty at me and I feel a bit sad that I had to clean out the majority of the shelves of stuff that I "had" to bring back to Home I. It is just that I'd rather take it in turns and make sure some of it goes home with each suitcase that has Destination: Sweden written on it, than being sweaty over having to bring it all back in one go. Because god knows that with my addiction with books and Primark, it would take at least 6 suitcases.

Also, Christmas is approaching. 18 days left. Which is a bit sad because by this time I have usually entered Christmas Mode 2.0 but this year there is not a single Christmassy feeling around. I am blaming the lack of snow, and trusting what the family says, there will be none. Maybe I shouldn't trust them and just keep my hopes up. However, all the Christmas presents are bought, apart from the best friend's, which is the trickiest one so far, and wrapped.

Snow or no snow, tomorrow Christmas music will be blasting through my head phones.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

1 December

I realised that the only post from December cannot be about me missing my dog. That will not do.

It doesn't really feel like 1 December though. But that could be because me and the children have been in a festive spirit since the end of October and they even stopping making fun of my ugly gorgeous Christmas jumpers. They think they have seen them all. Oh, they are in for a surprise.

The fact that the Christmas lights are on throughout all the streets are really helping with the festive atmosphere as well. Then there is the constant singing of Christmas carols, the never-ending practising of Christmas songs on their cellos, clarinets and violins. I am not complaining, I love Christmas, it is just that I am afraid that it will all be over to quickly. I didn't realise until I, listening to BBC Radio 1 this morning got caught on something Nick Grimshaw said "You don't want it to be over by 8 December" and it hit me that that is probably what will happen. Unless I won't let it.

Wow, this is turning into one of those tug wars. Oh well.

I am super excited about Christmas, and the fact that I have already managed all the presents apart from two (which of one is planned and the other one is a mystery still). I don't think I have ever had such trouble finding presents for people (could have something to do with that fact that I am buying stuff for people that I have not only known for a mere 4 months, but also, they are 9-15 y/o) but I have really enjoyed running around in London, trying to find something suitable.

All that is missing now is the snow. Keeping wishing, right?

Home sick pt. 2

In less than two weeks time I am home. That is the one thing that I keep thinking about, no matter what I am doing or who I am with.

It is not that I want to go home and stay there, that I don't enjoy being in London, that I don't like the people here or the fact that I live here. It is not that. It is more the fact that i miss my home. I miss the place I grew up in and I miss the people that I have seen pretty much every day since I was born. I keep telling myself that I will be back in no time anyway; that I shouldn't really stress over wanting to go back - but it is just that the more I try to not think about it, the more I end up thinking about it and it is really hard to do the stuff you are supposed to be doing when all you can think about is how much you'd want to do this and that, meet that and that person, etc.

I am pretty sure though, that as soon as I have been home and gotten the whole "I miss my family" thought out of my head I will be more than fine with going back. (To be honest, it is the dog I really miss.)

Sunday, 22 November 2015

"You can't recycle ham, Anna!"

This week has been eventful.

Friday started off with me rewinding from a hellish week with revision up over my ears as Latin verbs and French conjugations still rung in my in head (and it was not even my exams!!). back in my school, not only did we start with exams when we were 12, we also were not allowed to have more than two exams a week, and they were not graded until we were 13. These kids, aged 9, have a week filled with exams in all subjects - and it is not only on one part of a subject, but of what they have learnt so far during the entire term. I shamefully sat, trying to ask the youngest questions based on what he had to know, hardly even getting half of it myself. I wonder if I'd pass the exams he endured this week. *doubting it* 

The weekend consisted mainly of food, as per usual. The girlfriend and I tagged along witha friend to two Christmas Markets. The first one was in Rotherhithe (which was murder getting to since the Overground decided not to opperate this weekend conveniently enough) and was Scandinavian. Mostly Norwegian, Estonian and Finnish though, which I did not mind, it was more the amount of people crammed into the tiny area where the market was. Almost claustrophobic. The second one was at the Swedish Church at Edgeware Road, it was purely Swedish. That one brought out so much more Christmas feelings in all three of us, possibly just because of the fact that almost everything that we connect with Christmas was present at the Market. The evening consisted of us running around on Oxford Street, desperately trying to find ideas for what to get my three little ones for Christmas. the oldest is easy, he is getting a pocket sized Swedish dictionary since he is taking up Swedish. The middle child is harder, but her mother said that anything from TopShop and Lush would do so I am really taking her word for it. The youngest though, he is the hardest nut to crack. I know he loves books. And animals. And wild life. So I planned on getting him a book about wild animals. Harder than it sounds. I only managed to get the parents a cup each with moose on them. They were incredibly cute and very Swedish so I am feeling confident.

Today we went with another friend to the Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. I was there for the first time in 2013 and I do not remember it being this massive. We walked around for a couple of hours before we couldn't feel our feet anymore. But we are definitely coming back, better dressed and with something to drink seeing as beer and mulled wine was not what we had in mind.

This week has been the longest one since I got here. It just would not end. And ironically enough, the weekend feels like the shortest one yet as well. But I guess I better just get back onto the horse, because I am already looking forward to next weekend.

Monday, 16 November 2015

First time

Today is the first time since I got here, that I feel really home sick. I would do anything to just get on a plane and hug my little sister, telling her that everything is going to be okay.

When we were ten and twelve we each got a cat. Little fluffy grey balls that at first did not really like us but we loved them throughout their lives. Just a week before I left for London, we had to say goodbye to my little grey ball. Eventhough I had prepared for it for a long time, seeing as she had been ill for two thirds of her life, I was still devestated and I think of only one occasion during which I cried harder.

Today, my sister is going to have to say goodbye to her little grey ball of fluff and I wish, more than anything, that I was able to go with her and hold her together, like she held me together in early August.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Money spending and surprises

The fact that my previous post was about the fact that I will not feel angsty about the money I am spending is hilarious given the fact that I am currently panicking a bit about the fact that my bank account is screaming for a refill...

However, my spending skills and I are excused because my sister visited me this weekend. The girlfriend had "planned something" that everyone seemed to be on, but me. She took me to a restaurant and mid-meal my sister shows up and I start crying very unattractively. It was worth it though, because I had missed her like mad and realised just how much as she hugged me. Spending the weekend with her here was great and I loved being able to actually to touristy stuff (like running around with cameras around our necks, trying to get the best angle of a squirrel eating a peanut) without feeling like I had something else to do; I had the weekend properly off. However, with sister comes spending. I think she sometimes forgets that she makes so much more money than me and the fact that she can spend the same amount on a meal that I live off one a week. Without further explanation, her visit probably damaged my wallet more than hers. Not that I don't mind, I do - but I can almost say that it was worth it.

On top of that I also managed to snatch some tickets for Adam Lambert's concert in London in april next year, which I am super-duper excited about.

Oh and with sister comes the goods. Swedish actual candy and knitted jumpers. Bless her.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Making plans

I've gotten into a sort of state where I feel like spending money is the best idea possible.

And then I end up feeling bad about having spent said money and I complain a bit about how I don't have nearly enough money to do all the things I want to do. However, I have realised that I have more than enough money to actually do the things I want to do, which is why I have a few things lined up over the upcoming months (and I am not even feeling angsty about the money that will very easliy come fo my account to pay for it); 3 concerts, 1 show and 2 musicals. I mean, I could easily just save up my money, but why save the money when you get a new pay check every week, right?

Remind me to never get into a profession where my non-exsistant economical skills are needed.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015


I never thought I'd feel so uncomfortable with having a week off. And I never thoguht I'd feel so clueless with what to do with that week off.

Half-term is here and so many of the other au-pairs have been preparing for weeks and are jumping up and down with joy over the fact that the kids are off school and most likely going away for the week with their parents, leaving the au-pair home alone to do whatever she sees fit. And surely, I do see the glamour in having a week off to do whatever you want in a city like London. The possibilities are endless and you will most likely never run out of things to actually do.

And still I feel completely out of my waters here. I was so into routine, enjoying whatever I was set to do in the weeks and rejoicing in the freedom of the weekends, that now that I have 24h a day for an entire week to do whatever I want with, I feel a bit lost. I mean there are so many places I would love to see and equally many, if not more things I would like to do - but I feel like a week is not enough and just like I wrote last time I am stuck in a limbo between "I have enough time, I'll do it later" and "There is not enough time, no way I can do it all" and it is so unsettling.

However; I have gotten back into photography now, which calms me down immensly - and reading is back on track. The fact that I spend £30 on books when I had £0 to spare was not planned, but it made me happy - so there you go!

I have come to realise (probably as I am writing things) that setting up plans is my way to go cause then I can properly see what I am to do and want to do - but at the same time I cannot make plans for every day of the week, because it will leave me feeling trapped in a schedule and knowing myself - it will backfire, leaving me feeling reluctant to doing anything at all.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Lazy weekend.

This has to be the most uneventful weekend I have had since I arrived.

Friday consisted of a lot of working and then basically heading to the girlfriend's place to sleep. Saturday, could have been filled with lovely activities, but instead I headed back home as Anna went to work and I did some much needed laundry. Sunday is going to be a day of neverending movement, first to Swiss Cottage, then back to East Finchley to walk through Muswell Hill and Alexandra Palace.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind lazy weekends; it is just that I feel more guilty about having them when I am here. I feel guilty about having a lazy day in general, when back in Sweden I saw no problem in not seeing a single other person for a week if that was the time I had off work. It feels like it was easier to occupy one self back at home, rather than doing it here. I mean I have been in my room all day and not a lot of things, apart from laundry (believe it or not!?) has happened. It must be that I know that I am here for a year, and I know that I have unlimited time, more or less, during weekends to do things that I have talked about doing when back at home. And still I am not doing them. Or at least not as much of it as I would have wanted. But then again, the fact that I am here a year, which is a long time, is kind of tricky. Some days it feels as if though I am going home next month, and other days it feels like I will live here for the rest of my life. And I think I am caught somewhere in between with the activities-problem. On one hand I feel like I should do it all cause time is running out, but on the other hand I feel like I have all the time in the world and not really deciding upon which of the two feelings to listen to, results in me not doing the things and then feeling guilty about it.

Psychology session ended.

I am excited about getting the camera out though to do some photographing at Muswell Hill and Alexandra Palace. Whoop whoop.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Money makes the world go 'round.

I never quite got how expensive it was to be in London.

I mean. I got the fact that it was expensive to eat out. I got the fact that it would not be cheap. But I never quite got just how expensive it was. Going as a tourist, you always have the budget, the amount of money that you have exchanged and you will try (sometimes have) to stay within that budget, without touching your VISA. Let's be honest, I hardly ever managed to stay within my budget, and almost always brought out my little green card.

But living here, when I cannot escape to my VISA whenever my budget won't allow me, is something entirely different. I have to live of the money I earn and eventhough that actually goes further than I thought, it still bothers me that I cannot spend the same kind of money as I do when I am a tourist. Writing this down, it surely sounds like the biggest first-world problem, but it is just something that got to me the other day.

I have however, found ways to avoid spending lots of money, and I have managed to save up quite a bit already. My, without a doubt, biggest expense is food. Eating out costs a fortune and actually getting food from the house, rather than going out to eat saves me a tremendous amount of money each week. Sure, not rocket science, but how fun is it really to sit down and eat dinner in your kitchen when you have London, and endless possibilities in terms of food and restaurants outside your window???

Saving up though. What am I saving up to? I don't know. Yes, honestly. I want to go to concerts, musicals, museums, theatres, pictures. But I also kind of want to go somewhere outside of London. And eventhough I can't think of a better time to do it, I am now feeling like maybe I should just do that in future and save my money for now. Deep down, I do realise that I am saving up money now, that I am going to spend on that later anyway. It just feels hard to let go of your money and see the £0,00.00 when you check your account balance.

This ended up going nowhere and turned out to be nothing but a rant about my assets and expenses.

Thursday, 8 October 2015


Okay, so today I realised that there are so many things left to do, since I only have about 250 days left (-.-). So I decided to make myself a list that I will continuously tick off and possibly add to.

  1. London Tower (been here 10 times and never gone - shame on me)
  2. Borough Market 
  3. Brick Lane
  4. Winter Wonderland (been but need to go again)
  5. New Years Ever (will I ever get a better opportunity?)
  6. Guard Change at Buckingham Palace
  7. Out doors cinema
  8. G-A-Y Heaven (again, been but need to go again)
  9. Photography in all (but not all) boroughs
  10. Three musicals (that I have not seen)
  11. Night photography (cause why not?)
  12. Brighton (okay not in London but I mean who said I couldn't move outwards, yeah?)
  13. Find my favourite place (been looking but I have not found my favourite place yet)
  14. James Bay concert (cheating cause I already have tickets, but still...)
  15. Move outside of zone 1-3 (there is so much to see from zone 4 and outwards)


Tomorrow I have been here for 50 days. Tomorrow I have lived in London for about one sixth of my stay, which in itself is so frustrating and sad at the same time. Eventhough these close to two months really have rushed by, it feels as if though I have gotten the hang of the routines and the daily life of this family. It feels as if though I have been here for so much longer than I have and I feel so comfortable in their house and around them.

Also, I am so glad I ended up with this family. I am so glad because they do care about how I feel, about what I do and think. They make sure I feel comfortable and remind me to let them know if there is anything that is bothering me. They are so keen on making my stay the best possible. And I know that not all au pair have that situation, which only makes me feel even more blessed to have ended up in this family.

However, on a less sentimental note, I am bringing out the camera for the first time since my arrival to do some photographing this weekend. I am so excited, especially about all the autumn colours and the general cozy feel of London around this time of the year. First stop is a market (have not decided yet upon which one of Hoxton, Brick Lane or Borough Market) and then a possible visit to the cinema (that we so dutifuly have stayed clear of for the past two - or is it three - weeks!). Either way I get to spend the night right where I want to; next to Anna.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Everyone has sinusitis

So apparently the entire family has now gotten a tad of sinusitis which makes it harder for the bacteria to just leave. Get out. Be gone. Which also means that I got another go of it - just coming out of it - but I can feel it draining all my energy at the moment. 

Spent the day in today, partly because 2/3 of the children are sick, but mostly cause there is an endless supply of tea. I thought I drank a lot of tea before, but I knew nothing of the concept "have a cuppa" - which means you have a cup in hand at all times. I like the idea. 

I also like the fact that I have a trip home planned (schh don't tell anyone it is still secret). I am really starting to miss my sister and dogs by now and I cannot wait to just get to hang out with them. If only for three days!

Wednesday, 30 September 2015


The past week has been a rollercoaster. Up and down, up and then down again. Being sick is never a blast, but having sinusitis is the worst. I hate having it when I am at home, with medicines and proper ability to actually rest, but here it is just ten steps worse. I am not ill enough to want to call in sick, but at the same time I cannot wait for the weekend just to be able to lie down and sleep for three weeks straight. 

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

An exceptionally ordinary day

Today was pretty much just like any other day.

7.00 - Up you go. It is a bright day and the sun is shining, that means you do not need an extra shirt on and you can carry your scarf instead of wearing it. You can also get out of bed on time for once cause it is not warmer in bed.

7.30 - At work, family is busy getting ready for the day and yours has only just begun. Make sure not to be in anyones way, which I am very good at and quite enjoy actually. Make sure things are tidy and everything is where it is supposed to be.

7.50 - Take youngster to school. He cannot be late and make sure he has brsuhed teeth, feed guinnea pigs and done his violin practise. I think we should also make sure all his things are in his bag and that he is wearing the right shoes. Oh, and the rain jacket must be taken.

8.40 - Back home after school run. Driving is fun and relaxing and the traffic jams are never the same bother as they are at home. Also iHeart Radio is really helping to entertain at the most tidious stop lights.

10.30 - You have a few hours to yourself. Do whatever you want, maybe get some lunch, or catch up on some reading? Wanna keep on ironing? That is fine, as long as you don't burn yourself, which has turned into a habit.

15.00 - Back on the horse, food needs to be taken care of for later and there might even be another washing machine to take care off. Also make sure to get into the car for a second school run on time, you never know how many of London's car drivers are going to be on the same road as you.

17.00 - Back home (hopefully - if not the traffic decides to move close to not at all). Time for homework; which you hopefully made sure was brought home before you leave school. Make sure to check twice cause you never know. Also, rain jacket must be taken home as well.

19.00 - Dinner is done and over with, as are you. Off for the night and perhaps you should try and manage some reading now? I mean since there is no ironing to steal your attention.

So yeah, like any other day.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Homebound (in two months)!

I never thought I'd be so excited about booking flight tickets to go back home. But I am over the moon about the fact that, I will not only get to go back home and see my family - but also surprise them; seeing as they have no idea I am coming back home - and I have no plans of telling them either.

It has always been the going away that brought me the great pleasure. And it was obviously only because I knew that I would be going back home, eventhough I kept telling myself that I wanted to get away. The fact that I had somewhere to go back to is settling and calming. I am not saying I want to leave London now to go back home, but after not having seen your family for a month, and knowing that you'll have to wait two more just makes me want to go home even more - if even only for a day or two. The planned visit will be brief and possibly just as teary as the one when I first left but it doesn't matter to me. Cause I know I will get to go back - both to London and Stockholm that is.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Am I a grown up now?

Me five years ago would have been panicking by now. Not going home in a week? Doing my own laudry? Shopping my own food? What do you mean I have to make my own bed? Past-me would have been pulling her hair, wondering how she could get out of the situations she didn't like and how she could get someone else to do whatever she felt was too much to ask of her. She would have gone out of her way to have someone else do the dirty work and possibly even tried to take the credit for someone elses hardwork. She would have complained (loudly) about having to get up at 6.30 every morning, and she would definitely have complained even louder (if possible) about waking up by herself before noon on weekends.

The present-me is quite enjoying it. I am really liking the fact that I can come and go as I want out of working hours. That I decide what I want to eat and buy to eat. That I am the one to make my plans for the weekends, rather than having to plan around everyone else's plans. Surely I had freedom back home as well - but this is so different. Cause there is literally no one here to tell me to do something out of work hours. And though that is freeing, it is also strangely unsetteling. Going back home after a year is going to be almost as big of a change as it was coming here. Am I scared about that? Yes.

Having talked to many other au-pairs, I realise that I ended up in the right family. The one thing that would make them better would be if they got a dog. Dad being allergic, makes that a no-go. But one can't have everything, right? I don't mind not having to walk a dog though, yet I have talked to Mum about spreading the word to her friends, that I wouldn't mind taking a fury four pawed adorable drooling dog for a walk every now and then.

Cause I do miss my dogs. A lot.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Who would have thought?

I never thought I'd actually enjoy doing dishes, washing, ironing, making dinners and go grocery shopping. However, I am. I think I was secretly made for being a housewife. Schoolr uns are brilliant; sitting in a car, listening to music while you can't move cause the streets are crammed with cars. I am enjoying it. 

I also never thought I'd feel as free as I am feeling now. Surely, I have stuff do yo, and I have places to be - but the time in between I can plan as I like; something I am not too spoiled with. I love the fact that I am bo longer even thinking "It is too early to get up," rather than bust getting out of bed and getting to work. Very settling. 

Lastly; I never would have thought I'd get to spend almost an entire month with my best friend again. That makes me happer than any of the mentions above. 

Sunday, 13 September 2015

In a mere week, things has changed

I did not mean to let an entire week come between me and this next post. It just happened.

I am getting into routines, that is what got in the way. Basically getting up at 6.30 every morning and being back home at 8.30 doesn't really leave me any sparetime to do whatever - when I get back home I basically just want to sleep. But at least now that the youngest one is back at school, I have my midday off. So this week I've met up with a bunch of au-pairs (all from Sweden) for some lunch. I have also had a serious sitdown with a book for the first time in 6 weeks. I have had time (read: energy) to do some of my own laundry. It just feels like things are falling into place and I like having things to do non-stop - it leaves me feeling less homesick.

Alright, I am not missing home as much anymore. Now it is more about missing what I am missing out on. Talking to my family on Skype, I see that their way of behaving hasn't changed. But I am not sure if I have changed and going back there later on, I don't know - I just feel as if though they are moving on without me, when in fact I might be the one moving on. This makes no more sense written down than it did in my head. I just wish I could be around home, for the random and common things - which I didn't even think about before I left. I am getting lots of those random and common events here as well though.

I am making sure to press as much as I possibly can into the weekends. So this weekend I've already managed to spend some quality time with my girlfriend, I have babysat (which for the record is not really working cause the children are angels), I'm going to meet up with my 'long-time-no-see' best friend and after that there is an Au-Pair gathering to attend.

If the time tonight allows it, there will be pictures of the past 3 weeks. If time does not allow it, I will probably have to wait another three weeks cause I have three kids and a cello to do school runs with.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Five, is the magic number

The number five has been following me around lately. Five working days so far, also five days since I last wrote. Five hours sleep last night and five more days till I am planned to be reunited with my best friend here in London. Also did five rounds in the washing machine today and there were five of us for dinner. I guess I am grasping here, but the details keep popping out at me.

Anyway, enough of that. I feel that I am finally getting into the routines, leaving and picking up at school. Shopping, cooking, washing. It is all falling into place and the little ones are actually behaving really nicely. I will never get used to the idea that they are as polite as they are. I am driving on my own, which I thought was a bit further ahead in the future but I guess the parents found me a safe-enough driver to drive their children.

Tomorrow is the last day of the littlest one's summer vacation, and on Wednesday I start working regular times. Something I am looking forward to. In all fairness, the children have been angels - really - but I feel like I need a bit of me time and that time has lately only been the 5 minutes it takes for me to walk from the family until I fall asleep on my bed.

I am missing home a bit. Not so much specific people or dogs but more the familiarity of it all. And I guess that is something that I am going to have the hardest time letting go of for now. I am so used to, even when I am on the road for months at a time, that I will go back home soon enough and I am always the one to start counting down the days until I go back home. But a year is a long time to count down and I don't want to do that whilst I am here, in fear of me properly living my life instead of longing back to the life back home. If that makes sense. Though I would not decline a cuddle with my little Princess of a dog.

I have a few things planned for the week though. Might even pick up a book again. But one thing that will most definitely have to happen is washing some clothes (long overdue). Whohoo.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Coralls and fajitas

Okay. So today was a handful (that should be my opening line).

Starting off, I don't think I will be able to get used to getting up as early as 7AM after having had a job where I don't start working until 5PM and get off at midnight. Oh well. Whereas yesterday morning was a rather noisy affair, this morning went smooth. Even smooth enough for me to get som serious ironing done and then we, the youngest boy and I, headed off to the Natural History Museum. We went to the corall exhibition which was greatly appreciated and we even stopped by the mammoths and took a look at some seriosuly large birds.

During the first week I have been spending the entire days at the house, simply because the youngest boy doesn't start school until next week. We have been scheduling playdates and activities and today we even got started on making some chrystals from one of the chemical sets that he has. So whereas his older brother and sister are back at school, he still has a week left of summer vacation. None of them seem too bothered with it since the older ones are too keen on getting back to school to learn new things and meet up with their friends - which I can understand.

So after falling asleep on the tube (both of us), Mr. Youngster and I got back home and started off with dinner, fajitas. Something I'd never expect was that I'd really enjoy cooking. But I am having a blast in the kitchen and the food seems to go down really well with the kids. I'm looking forward to Friday cause then it is time for the Swedish meat-balls. Eventhough they've had them already with their previous Swedish au pairs, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve!

All in all, I am feeling super comfortable with the family and it already feels as if though I am a part of their house and family, as if though I've always been there. Although I do miss my family back home, this is without a doubt the best family I could be at.

Alrighty, signing off - tomorrow is the first driving session, without another adult that knows their way around in the car. If you see a blue Ford randomly drivning around without any apparent goal or purpose - that is me.

Monday, 31 August 2015

Short text, covering many events

This weekend has been a handful. A lot of new things to take in, new information about the family, the neighbourhood, the routines and the general life here - but I have never been more certain I made the right decision in coming here.

Friday was my first meeting up with the family since I first met them in June (apart from the brief encounter I had with the dad as he got into a taxi). And today I got around to their house again, just to get more information about tomorrow, which is my first proper working day. Exciting!

Also, I said a proper goodbye to my sister today, who's spent the past 10 days with me in London. It was tear-filled but she will be back in two months time. I will miss her, just as I miss my entire family (already - where will this end?).

This weekend has, as said been a handful, and I cannot think of anything nicer than crawling in under a massive blanket and sleep till 7AM tomorrow when my alarm rings. Night night!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

London took another shower

Today it has literally been pouring down. From morning till evening there has been a maximum of ten minutes when it has not rained a single drop. But we didn't mind. Spent 30 minutes in a queue to get into the Natural History Museum, running around looking at dinosaurs and spiders, zebras and dik-diks. Lots of fun. However, Camden had to wait since we had no wish to get our socks wet. Instead we had an early dinner and went to see Sinister 2. I recommend it to everyone who doesn't care whether they live or die cause I think my heart stopped a good three or four times.

Tomorrow there is another driving lesson coming up. I am more nervous about this one that the first one cause it feels like I have more pressure on me seeing as I've already driven in the London traffic and should know what I am doing. However, I am sure I won't run someone over this time either *fingers crossed*

I had planned on making this an early night but failed miserably so here I am, just starting to watch King Kong. I wonder whether my subconcious is aware that that movie is little over 3h. Oh well, I'll just have to suffer my fair bit in the morning.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Fire alarms, good deeds and underground chaos

Today has been a handful...

Starting off with the driving lesson that went far better than I expected. Thankfully I will have another two lessons before actually getting the children into the car to drive them somewhere. Although I have have my license for a while now it is hard trying to remember "just think the opposite" throughout and entire drive - and the fact that the cars in Sweden helped me out with remembering right and left properly; I now have to rethink my entire procedure.

I had planned on getting into Tottenham Court Rd somewhen in the hour between driving ended and girlfriend Anna had her job interview but London Underground thought otherwise. Although the strike was off the lines were still not going according to plan which led me to take a bus in the opposite direction (blame the bus, not me!) and then walk back in pure spite. I got there "in time" to see her as she came out.

SeaLife, London Dungeons and London Eye was next on the agenda since sister Danni hasn't endure hours of masses of people all staring at the same things, screaming at the same people or taking pictures of the same views. So we managed all of that over a day + a little rain on the side. However, being about halfway through the SeaLife experience (around where the sea horses bewitch all the visitors) the fire alarm went off and Danni, Anna and I helped one mummy with a buggy each up about three flights of stairs with panicking people running pass us (god forbid they helped). And just as everyone had gotten out of the building we were allowed back in again. Trust me, a lot of people can fit into that attraction at once.

However, that was not today's good deed. Walking back home tonight, I somehow managed to get a cat out of a plastic container. It seemed to simply have jumped into it but was meowing really loudly so I walked by and looked into it (silently praying that it wasn't a murder trying to lure me into their trap) but it was just a really tiny black and white cat. I got it out and felt like a hero, but it ran off so quickly I couldn't check whether it was alright.

That is about it though. Today could have been worse. Tomorrow, another visit to the National History Museum and Camden. I really like having people over that haven't gotten around. It gives me a perfect excuse to redo and re-see without seeming obsessed.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Making a new place, my place

I am sleeping in my new home tonight. Which feels slightly odd. But at the same time very good. I am usually feeling slightly queasy when spending a first night at a new place but for once I am actually just feeling very comfortable. Snuggled down in my jammies with a cup of tea, I really do feel home-y. I would not go as far as saying that I feel at home but I am getting there and the fact that I don't feel like running in the opposite direction at the thought of spending a first night at a new place really make me sort of proud of myself. I mean, it is kinda small, a tiny fridge, limited amount of surfaces to place things on and the floor is squeeky - massive wardrobe though - but I think I managed to make it mine (and not by just spreading my stuff all over - which I felt like doing). I actually took my time sorting through the things that I brought and looked over the area where I could put it, arranging it all very neatly. I surprised myself.

Also, I finally have my computer set up now. Which means that I won't have to try and write on my bastard phone anymore. My fingers are not made for writing on those tiny pads (unless you are okay with 90% of all the words being misspelled).

Tomorrow is the first driving lesson which means that I will have to do my absolute best in not running someone over. *fingers crossed* Then again, I will just have to think opposite of how I think when I drive back home, right??

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Enjoying my vacation

I am trying at least - to enjoy my vacation (that ends on Tuesday) - but it is hard when I am constantly reminded that it's over soon. Surely it is a minor problem seeing as I live here now and I can do the touristy things when I have time off, but I am still very nervous. I will move into my room today and seeing as I met my tennant yesterday I am not all to nervous about that.

The thing that is doing my head in is the learning-to-drive part that starts on Tuesday. To be fair it is only for too hours and surely I should manage not to run someone over in that time (but if you happen to be in London, stay clear of Islington on Tuesday between 10-noon. 

Yesterday was an experience. I managed to get half my packing to my new home, spend a few hours at Madame Tussaud's, ate heaven on a plate for dinner and on only 3 hours of sleep. Nonetheless, it was a great day and I am once again reminded why I chose London of all places. 

Friday, 21 August 2015

First Day

Today has been a rollercoaster. 

Emotions has gone up and down, perhaps as expected, but it has still worn me out to the degree that I could shamelessly fall asleep on the Gatwick Express. Right now. Just like that. Boom! Gone to the world. 

Tomorrow my new adventure begins, at 10.30AM to be exact, as that is the time I am setting off from the hotel I am sleeping at tonight to meet my tennant for the upcoming year. I am nervous but not as nervous as I would have been had I not been knackered from carrying three bags around for the past 4 hours (not including the 2h I spent on the plane).

Being an au pair is something I've wanted to do for the past 8 years. I'm glad I finally came around to do it. I don't know where it'll take me, but I know that I'll end up being far away from where I was when I started.