Sunday, 13 December 2015


So this weekend, I finally got to go home. Not that I have been longing since I arrived and wouldn't have survived another day without putting my feet on Swedish soil, but it was nice being home.

I didn't realise that it would be that easy to just fall back into routine and though it felt strange the first day, with the whole being back and somehow having everyone else act as if though I never really left, it felt good. The familiarity with it all, knowing where all the kitchen tools are, where to put things that I haven't touched in ages, who does what after dinner, what there is to do after dinner. It felt nice falling back into it.

Also, I knew that I missed my dogs, but I was not prepared for tearing up as I saw them again. And I was not prepared for the intese affection fest that it brought on. Just the fact that I was able to, should I want to, just walk the dogs whenever. Or just have one of them cuddle up beside me on the sofa as I watched a movie. Or even having to tell them not to bark at the neighbours. It was all so familiar and things that I don't really thought twice of before I left, but now I really did treasure it in a whole other way.

And the fact that Christmas is closing in also helped the experience. I haven't really had the whole Christmassy feeling grow here as much as it usually does at home but as soon as I did get home it was there. Could have to do with that the smells, and impressions and memories were all there. Everything that I connect with Christmas was right there in my face when I stepped through the front door and it just took me by surprise. Watching the advent calendar, decorating the tree and baking biscuits and scones also helped and by the time I left this afternoon I was all stocked up on Christmas feelings to last me the year.

However, two full days was just about enough for me. I have grown so much and become so much more accustomed to having things done my way, I can do whatever I want whenever I want it, unless I am working obviously. Also having seen how other families work and sometimes don't work, I have way too many opinions on what can be improved and praised in my own. Which perhaps shouldn't always be voiced. Let's just say that I felt like these two days were just enough time for me to catch up and refill my 'dog-loving' quota, but if I had needed to stay another week I would probably have torn my hair off and eaten it for breakfast. No hard feelings.

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