Thursday, 8 October 2015


Tomorrow I have been here for 50 days. Tomorrow I have lived in London for about one sixth of my stay, which in itself is so frustrating and sad at the same time. Eventhough these close to two months really have rushed by, it feels as if though I have gotten the hang of the routines and the daily life of this family. It feels as if though I have been here for so much longer than I have and I feel so comfortable in their house and around them.

Also, I am so glad I ended up with this family. I am so glad because they do care about how I feel, about what I do and think. They make sure I feel comfortable and remind me to let them know if there is anything that is bothering me. They are so keen on making my stay the best possible. And I know that not all au pair have that situation, which only makes me feel even more blessed to have ended up in this family.

However, on a less sentimental note, I am bringing out the camera for the first time since my arrival to do some photographing this weekend. I am so excited, especially about all the autumn colours and the general cozy feel of London around this time of the year. First stop is a market (have not decided yet upon which one of Hoxton, Brick Lane or Borough Market) and then a possible visit to the cinema (that we so dutifuly have stayed clear of for the past two - or is it three - weeks!). Either way I get to spend the night right where I want to; next to Anna.

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