I did not mean to let an entire week come between me and this next post. It just happened.
I am getting into routines, that is what got in the way. Basically getting up at 6.30 every morning and being back home at 8.30 doesn't really leave me any sparetime to do whatever - when I get back home I basically just want to sleep. But at least now that the youngest one is back at school, I have my midday off. So this week I've met up with a bunch of au-pairs (all from Sweden) for some lunch. I have also had a serious sitdown with a book for the first time in 6 weeks. I have had time (read: energy) to do some of my own laundry. It just feels like things are falling into place and I like having things to do non-stop - it leaves me feeling less homesick.
Alright, I am not missing home as much anymore. Now it is more about missing what I am missing out on. Talking to my family on Skype, I see that their way of behaving hasn't changed. But I am not sure if I have changed and going back there later on, I don't know - I just feel as if though they are moving on without me, when in fact I might be the one moving on. This makes no more sense written down than it did in my head. I just wish I could be around home, for the random and common things - which I didn't even think about before I left. I am getting lots of those random and common events here as well though.
I am making sure to press as much as I possibly can into the weekends. So this weekend I've already managed to spend some quality time with my girlfriend, I have babysat (which for the record is not really working cause the children are angels), I'm going to meet up with my 'long-time-no-see' best friend and after that there is an Au-Pair gathering to attend.
If the time tonight allows it, there will be pictures of the past 3 weeks. If time does not allow it, I will probably have to wait another three weeks cause I have three kids and a cello to do school runs with.
I seem to recognize a worry that I messaged you about last year, appear here now!
You're doing brilliantly Koala and what you miss out happening at home, they miss out happening in London.
And I wish I had anything more profound to say to that but if you think everything is changing at home, just be sure you're changing too. All positive changes but I know how weird it feels