Friday, 18 September 2015

Am I a grown up now?

Me five years ago would have been panicking by now. Not going home in a week? Doing my own laudry? Shopping my own food? What do you mean I have to make my own bed? Past-me would have been pulling her hair, wondering how she could get out of the situations she didn't like and how she could get someone else to do whatever she felt was too much to ask of her. She would have gone out of her way to have someone else do the dirty work and possibly even tried to take the credit for someone elses hardwork. She would have complained (loudly) about having to get up at 6.30 every morning, and she would definitely have complained even louder (if possible) about waking up by herself before noon on weekends.

The present-me is quite enjoying it. I am really liking the fact that I can come and go as I want out of working hours. That I decide what I want to eat and buy to eat. That I am the one to make my plans for the weekends, rather than having to plan around everyone else's plans. Surely I had freedom back home as well - but this is so different. Cause there is literally no one here to tell me to do something out of work hours. And though that is freeing, it is also strangely unsetteling. Going back home after a year is going to be almost as big of a change as it was coming here. Am I scared about that? Yes.

Having talked to many other au-pairs, I realise that I ended up in the right family. The one thing that would make them better would be if they got a dog. Dad being allergic, makes that a no-go. But one can't have everything, right? I don't mind not having to walk a dog though, yet I have talked to Mum about spreading the word to her friends, that I wouldn't mind taking a fury four pawed adorable drooling dog for a walk every now and then.

Cause I do miss my dogs. A lot.

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