Monday, 20 June 2016

West End Live

This week (mostly weekend) left me feeling refreshed.

We spent most of the week just relaxing, taking time hating enjoying the rain. And during the weekend, we got a bit more sunshine and cultural exchange. We went to see West End Live at Trafalgar Square. We got to see parts of Disney's The Lion King, Thriller, Stomp and Matilda. I am a bit sad about not getting to see Wicked, Book of Mormon and Phantom of the Opera (even though I have already seen all of those - but they were just so damn good). But I just think that it is a really good idea to get people invested in the musicals and get people more interested in musicals.

Next weekend though we have a bit more in store. The Swedish midsummer is on Friday and then we have the Pride parade on Saturday. I am really looking forward to that.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Sorting things out

So lately I have had this sensation of having too much on my plate.

Oh how much could it be? Quite a lot to be frank.

I have tried to sort out when to leave (have to book tickets in time for them not to be more expensive than just buying a house here) and then try to organise what will wait for me when I come back to Sweden. There are several things I need (but cannot yet ) sort out and it is stressing me out quite a lot; such as housing after the move to (and up north) in Sweden. Not only will I move back home, but I will also move within the country (not that bad, just 6-ish hours upwards) and I really do not know where to start with that.

On a happier (and warmer note); summer is here. Properly this time and you can hardly move without turning into a puddle of sweat on some days. Especially grateful right now that I have taken the habit of getting the bus instead of the tub so seriously. It is insane how different heat can be from country to country; and even two countries that are as close to each other as England and Sweden. Our heat is so much nicer cause the kind here is humid and thick - good luck breathing.

Half term was a slow process. It was ever so nice to have time off but I didn't really do much with my time. I don't really mind just regret not seeing more, but then again - it will still be there this summer and any other time I decide to come back here after having left this autumn.