Friday, 22 April 2016

Home and back again.

The last week I spent in Sweden to attend my grandfather's funeral. I made sure to catch up with some relatives and my dogs, but I also spent the majority of that week, plus the week before that, being sick. Have you ever managed to get rid of a clingy cold only to get a dash of anew one as soon as the previous one is gone? That is what is happening to me right now, and has been happening since mid January. It is not easy getting rid of a cold when you live in a house where the three kids take turns being sick, only I get a dose of it every time each one of them gets sick.

Needless to say, all my powers are drained and I feel like lying down in my bed and not get up until June, at the very earliest. However, I am really glad that spring is here properly now and hopefully it'll only get warmer from here on.

This is me signing out to grab a large cup of Lemsip and my book.

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