Sunday, 10 January 2016

Once again back to routines

Christmas and NYE holidays were a blessing but it feels good being back to the routines. I didn't actually think that I would miss sending kids off to school and making meals, giving rides to practices and swimming lessons, but I do. And it feels going back back.

This year I am planning on seeing more of London. Not just staying in my little Northern London-bubble, but actually get around a bit and since I have my long periods of time off during the day, I really do have a golden opportunity, I just need a bit of a carrot for getting away from the comfortableness off staying in the area.

I will also be volunteering at a local charity shop as a part of #OneMillionHours set up by BBC Radio 1, which I am very excited about. Several concerts and  events are already planned, along with visits from people I hold dear. I am feeling very positive towards this spring, and I hope it doesn't pass as quickly as people say it usually does.

Partly because I don't really want to leave, but also because I don't really know what to do afterwards. I want to study, but I also want to move on, travel somewhere else and see what that place has to offer. But all of that for another day she says as she postpones it for the seventh time this week.

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